Voluntary Service International Ireland


Voluntary Service International (VSI) is the Irish Branch of Service Civil International, a worldwide movement working for peace and international understanding through the medium of voluntary work projects, international exchanges and education and awareness programmes. VSI was founded in 1965 after several projects in the late '50s. We base our work on the following values: volunteering, non-violence, human rights, solidarity, respect for the environment, inclusion, empowerment, and cooperation. VSI is a registered charity in Ireland, funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and the HSE. It also receives project funding from the European Union under the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programme.


VSI work on the following volunteer programmes:

  • International Volunteer Projects (IVP) programme:
    Each year volunteers (18+) can choose from over 700 short-term International Volunteer Projects (1-3 weeks) in over 70 countries worldwide. The projects take place all year round with the largest number in the June to September period. You join with a group of volunteers from different countries and cultures to complete much needed projects for local communities and organisations. The work varies greatly from nature conservation, arts projects, community projects with children, elderly, refugees etc.
  • Medium and Long-term Volunteering (MLTV) programme:
    Volunteers (18+) can work on social and community projects with a variety of organisations in Europe, North America, Africa, Asia and Latin America from 3 to 12 months.
  • EuropeanSolidarity Corps (ESC) programme:
    A special EU-funded volunteer programme for 18-30 year olds. VSI is an accredited sending organisation. You can volunteer in many countries both within and outside the EU. Volunteers receive free accommodation, food, insurance and monthly ‘pocket money’. Travel expenses are also covered (you might only have to pay a very small part of those expenses if they exceed the budget).

Under these programmes, VSI arranges both individual and group volunteer projects, year-round, ranging from 1 week to 12 months in Ireland, Europe, USA, Japan and in the Global South. Areas of work include social care, community work, human rights, anti-racism, environmental protection, animal welfare, arts and culture. No experience or specific skills are required to volunteer on VSI projects (with the exception of projects in the Global South) and no fundraising is required.

Development education is an integral part of the pre-departure briefing for volunteers and VSI cooperates with several other organisations involved in development education such as Comhlámh and is a signatory to the Comhlámh Code of Good Practice.

VSI also works with youth workers and organisations to support young people participating in our projects. VSI provides comprehensive support to young people throughout their involvement. VSI works with young people 18-24 and their youth workers to:

  • promote the social inclusion of young people
  • raise young people's awareness of their rights, peace and social justice, sustainable development, the environment and intercultural understanding
  • foster young people's active citizenship
  • promote young people's civic engagement
  • develop young people's skills and competencies and enhance their employability.

VSI provides extra support and funding for many EU-funded projects to enable young people with fewer opportunities to participate.