Tools For Solidarity is a non-profit organisation in Northern Ireland that is run almost entirely by volunteers. The charity supports artisans in the Tanzanian regions of Mwanza, Ruvuma and Njombe by providing high quality refurbished hand tools, sewing machines and training through local refurbishment centres within the regions themselves. The organisation also provides tools and sewing machines for artisans with disabilities in Malawi. Tools for Solidarity collects and receives donations of hands tools and sewing machines from people in Belfast and throughout Ireland.
In Northern Ireland, Tools for Solidarity runs projects that help people to live a sustainable life. For example, its Education for Sustainable Development programme is dedicated to creating awareness about poverty, global injustice and environmental issues, targeting primary schools. Tools for Solidarity is also developing a similar programme for adult learners which was piloted in February 2021. The programme will focus on creating awareness around issues with the fashion industry, food industry, climate change and cultural diversity (including the migrant experience in Northern Ireland). It will target women’s centres, community groups and whoever is interested in learning about sustainability.
Tools for Solidarity’s current projects include: