Latin America Solidarity Centre


LASC was founded in 1996 by individuals and solidarity groups interested in the promotion of Latin American solidarity and culture in Ireland. Over the years, LASC has grown from a small, niche organisation into Ireland’s foremost connection with Latin America’s diverse social movements.

Understanding the issues others face is a fundamental step in fighting injustice. Through its education initiatives, LASC raises awareness of these issues, connects with a growing audience of interested individuals, and builds links between communities in Ireland and Latin America. Our education work allows us to motivate and encourage people in Ireland to become agents of positive social change themselves.


LASC believes that Development Education inspires global solidarity by supporting people to fully realise their rights, responsibilities and potential as global citizens in order to take meaningful action for a just and sustainable world. Between schools, universities, adult learners, and community groups, the centre reaches a large and diverse audience.

America Latina: vida y lengua is a resource to be used within the Spanish language curriculum in secondary school, in particular in 5th year. The resource aims to bring Latin American development issues to students of Spanish to help them understand the reality of countries where the language is spoken. The resource involves a range of activities that can be used independently or as part of a workshop. Methodologies vary so that students can reinforce different language competencies: speaking, listening, writing and reading.

LASC runs the Latin America Development Issues Course in Ballsbridge College of Further Education each year, which makes development education accessible to adults in a non-formal setting.

The #LASCWeds talks, held on the last Wednesday of every month involve knowledgeable and engaging teachers and speakers. LASC´s Development Education activities are supported by Irish Aid and WorldWise Global Schools. This year LASC is doing for the first time a project with the IHREC, structured around a series of eighteen two-hour workshops (9 in Spanish and 9 in Portuguese) aimed at Ireland’s Latin American migrant community. The project is focused on access to justice for the communities and supports the areas of immigration rights, labour rights, housing rights, education rights, personal finances, healthcare, maternity care and mental health, with a focus on women and the LGBTQ+ community.

The centre also runs an annual Latin America Week, with a programme of meetings, workshops, films and other cultural events exploring human, social, and economic rights in Latin America.