Global Citizenship School


Global Citizenship School evolved from discussions at the INTO Global Solidarity conference. The INTO is a trade union representing Irish primary school teachers.. The G.C.S. Steering Committee consists of teachers, INTO Head Office officials and elected INTO representatives.


Our vision is that all Irish primary school teachers and children will learn about global citizenship and that schools will take regular and consistent primary school appropriate action to help make the world a better place for all.

The G.C.S. motto states that “We are working for a better and fairer world for everyone, and it starts with me. Ní neart go cur le chéile.” We also strive to have Global Citizenship mainstreamed in the Irish Primary School Curriculum.

G.C.S organises actions for schools to mark significant events such as End Poverty Day, Human Rights Day and Mayday. It also supports schools in taking their own human rights actions. G.C.S. produces and disseminates lesson plans, videos and other teaching resources and also offers courses and events to teachers.