Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education


The Centre for Human Rights and Citizenship Education (CHRCE) champions educational policy and practice that promote human rights, children’s rights, global justice and environmental sustainability. CHRCE was founded in 2004 as collaboration between St Patrick’s College DCU and Amnesty Ireland.

The Centre’s expertise extends across early childhood, primary, post-primary and third level education including teacher education. The centre works with governmental and non-governmental organisations, teachers and schools and is at the forefront of developments in human rights and global citizenship education both in Ireland and internationally.


CHRCE is currently working on a programme commissioned by the Department of Justice (SPIEPS – Strengthening the Practice of Intercultural Education in Primary Schools) to embed intercultural education in Ireland’s primary schools. The programme focuses on professional development for teachers. The centre works closely with colleagues in the Education Department and with the DICE project (see separate profile), which is also based at DCU.

Climate change is becoming an ever more important part of the centre’s work. The centre is involved in the production of resource materials and lesson plans for teachers covering areas such as climate change, children’s rights and migration. One example is Farid's Rickshaw Ride, a beautifully written and illustrated picturebook telling the story of a nine-year-old boy and a rickshaw driver from Bangladesh. Using illustrations, photographs and comic strips, the book provides opportunities for discussing issues of child voice, migration, trade, climate change and human rights.

  • Sectors:
  • Primary
  • Post Primary
  • Higher Education